Ketlin har bred erfaring med å rapportere lønn for norske selskaper, samt erfaring med rapportering for utenlandske selskaper med midlertidig oppdrag i Norge i ulike typer virksomheter, bistå med skattemelding for utenlandske arbeidstakere, registrering av utenlandske selskaper i Enhetsregisteret, registrering av oppdrag og arbeidstakere hos norske skattemyndigheter, samt skatteberegninger netto og bruttolønn.
Ketlin has experience with all processes related to payroll reporting for foreign businesses in Norway. Experience with foreign companies with fixed monthly reporting obligation in Norway and also reporting obligations for businesses with temporary contracts in Norway.
Ketlin reports for businesses in various different industries and has expertise in both gross and net salary. Furthermore, Ketlin assists foreign businesses with the registration in the Entity register, reporting of assignment and employees by the Norwegian tax authorities, social security related reporting and assistance with employees’ personal tax returns towards Norwegian Tax Authorities.