Establisment of this declaration of accessibility
This statement was made on 03/10/2024.
Technologies used for the website development:
The tests of the web pages were performed with the following combinations of user agents and screen readers:
The following tools were used in the evaluation:
- Web Developer Toolbar
- WCAG – Constrast checker
- Accessible Color Picker
- Taba11y
- Axe DevTools – Web Accessibility Testing
- Assistant RGAA
- PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC) 2021
Pages of the site having been the subject of the verification of conformity:
- Accueil
- Mentions Légales
- Accessibilité
- Contact
- Recherche
- Actualités
- Radio
- Carrières
- CP
- Insights
- Insights thématiques
- Secteur
- Service
- A propos