Accessibility statement

KPMG undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

To this end, it shall implement the strategy and actions detailed in its multi-year plan which is currently being drawn up.

This declaration of accessibility applies to site KPMG

Compliance Status

The KPMG site is partially compliant with RGAA 4.1 Double-A (AA) level due to the non-conformities and deviations listed below.

Test results

The compliance audit carried out by Ipedis reveals that the compliance rate is 50%:

  • 31 compliant criteria 
  • 31 non-compliant criteria 
  • 44 non-applicable criteria 


Non-accessible content


Several elements of non-compliance are described in this document, some of which are recurrent on several pages: 

  • Some decorative images are not ignored by the screen reader.
  • Some textual alternatives to informative images are not complete.
  • Some complex images do not provide a detailed description.
  • Some visual component colors are not sufficiently contrasted with their background.
  • Some media contents (audio, video) lack transcript or audio description.
  • Some links combined with their context fail to describe their purpose or destination.
  • Some links do not have a label.
  • Some scripts cannot be rendered by assistive technology.
  • Some context changes are initiated without giving users advanced warning.
  • Some pages do not validate against formal specifications: opening and closing tags, no duplicate attributes, and unique ids.
  • Some page titles do not descript their content or purpose.
  • Some language changes are not indicated.
  • Some semantic HTML elements are inappropriately used for presentation purposes.
  • On some pages. the information is not structured by appropriate headings.
  • Some pages miss ARIA landmarks to identify their regions.
  • Some lists are not tagged as such.
  • Some quotes are not tagged as such.
  • HTML is used instead of CSS to control the visual presentation of text.
  • Some foreground colors are specified without specifying background colors or vice versa.
  • Some links are not visually evident without color vision.
  • Some focus indicators are not visible.
  • Some voluntary invisible contents are incorrectly transmitted to the screen reader.
  • Some information or functionality is lost on a 320px width screen.
  • Some content is clipped or overlapped when text spacing is adjusted.
  • Some form fields provide no descriptive labels.
  • Some form fields do not control data entry.
  • For some form fields. if an input error is detected, the user is not helped to identify and correct it.
  • Some form fields do not have the correct autocomplete attribute values for inputs that request information about the user.
  • Some sections of the pages are not tagged with their correct ARIA landmark role.
  • Some pages do not provide a functioning link to skip the header and go directly to the main content.

Derogations for disproportionate burden

No derogation identified. 

Content not subject to the obligation of accessibility


Establisment of this declaration of accessibility

This statement was made on 03/10/2024. 

Technologies used for the website development: 

  • HTML5 
  • CSS 
  • JavaScript 

The tests of the web pages were performed with the following combinations of user agents and screen readers: 

  • NVDA avec Google Chrome

The following tools were used in the evaluation: 

  • Web Developer Toolbar
  • WAVE
  • WCAG – Constrast checker
  • Accessible Color Picker
  • Taba11y
  • Axe DevTools – Web Accessibility Testing
  • Assistant RGAA
  • PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC) 2021

Pages of the site having been the subject of the verification of conformity: 

  • Accueil
  • Mentions Légales
  • Accessibilité
  • Contact
  • Recherche
  • Actualités
  • Radio
  • Carrières
  • CP
  • Insights
  • Insights thématiques
  • Secteur
  • Service 
  • A propos

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form. 

Contact the communication department of KPMG in France at the following email address:

Contact channels

This procedure is to be applied in the following case: 

You have reported to the website manager a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing any of the content or services of the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.