Opportunities and challenges for a digital administration in the public sector

Public administrations cannot escape "cloud services" and "participation".

The study "Digital Administration - Challenges and opportunities of new trends for Switzerland" was written by the Institute for Public Administration Management (IVM) of the ZHAW School of Management and Law and KPMG Switzerland. It explains two current trends:

  • "Cloud services" 
  • "Participation"

in terms of challenges and opportunities for Swiss administrative bodies.

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Question & Approach

The analysis of trend reports from 2022 demonstrated that "cloud services" and "informal participation of the population" will strongly shape the public sector in the future. 

This raises the question, is the public sector in Switzerland in a position to be able to react to the latest technological trends and developments? 

It’s clear the public sector cannot avoid the coming trends. However, as implementation examples in the study show, some administrations are willing to venture into "unknown territory" and break new ground. For example, in applying new technological developments and participatory processes.


Cloud strategies

In the future, the cloud will be used more and more by the public sector.

This will pose various challenges, particularly concerning data protection and information security as well as the need to avoid the "lock-in effect", when, customers become dependent, or stuck with on a single cloud storage solution.

On the other hand, the cloud will bring important advantages such as flexibility in the choice of work location and numerous opportunities for cost reduction. 

To help administrations benefit as much as possible from these advantages, KPMG has drawn up a "roadmap" for cloud transformation. This includes active monitoring of cloud service developments in conjunction with a flexible, hybrid strategy that can respond to changes in the environment.

Informal participation

The informal participation of the population in public sector processes has advantages for cloud developments. The more participation there is, the more need for the public sector to produce more “customer-oriented” services.

However, a participation process does not make sense in every case, and such a process must be designed carefully and carried out transparently. Successful participation processes require that, in addition to the necessary framework conditions (such as mandate, resources, etc.), the participating target group is also engaged in the process. 

To ensure that as many different people as possible register for participation offerings, or feel engaged, it is important to make the informal participation processes attractive.

Download study

Read more about the opportunities and challenges of the trends examined and whether public administration will be prepared for future trends.

Digital Administration study 2022

Digital Administration study 2022

Challenges and opportunities of new trends for Switzerland (in German)

Questions? Contact our experts

Our government experts can support you on your digital transformation journey. Get in touch.

Christoph Marschner

Director, Digital Transformation

KPMG Switzerland

Florian Vinzenz Schmid

Director, Sector Head Public

KPMG Switzerland

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