
Learn for a lifetime

At KPMG, we are dedicated to provide you an environment of continuous learning and career development. In today's dynamic world, lifelong learning is essential for individuals to adapt, grow, and fulfill their full potential. Explore our diverse and multidisciplinary development opportunities. You can benefit from immersive online trainings, in person workshops, mentoring programs and tailored career development programs.

Create your own unique career path

A wide range of opportunities aimed at refining your skills and unlocking your full potential awaits you.

Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to sharpen your skills or a newcomer eager to embark on a fulfilling career journey, our comprehensive learning and development offerings are tailored just for you. Listen to our people telling their personal story and discover our countless options to learn for a lifetime.

Listen to our employees stories and find out how they were able to enhance their knowledge with KPMG.

Explore your learning opportunities

The range of the different offered options is designed to help you thrive with us and benefit for life. Discover them below.

  • Choose your path

    KPMG career paths are as diverse as our people. Thrive in our culture of collaboration, mentoring and mobility opportunities. As your interests and skills evolve, personal development talks guide you to the next level.

    Choose your path
  • Future-ready upskilling

    From digital learning to external programs, personal development comes in many shapes and forms at KPMG. Share our passion for learning and cultivate future and digital skills that will last a lifetime. Even better: benefit from our contribution to the cost of qualifying in your field and master the continuous transformation.

    Future-ready upskilling
  • Embrace your talent

    With the lifelong learning and development approach, your talent will be shaped and developed in every stage of your career at KPMG. Whether it is in your first steps at your new team or at the Senior Manager Development program, we ensure that you get better.

    Embrace your talent
  • Mentorship programs

    We provide customized support for individual career development and increased visibility. Our specific WoMentoring program for young female leaders for example focuses on an open and confidential dialogue.

    Mentorship programs
  • Connections that count

    With our culture of collaboration, you'll automatically develop valuable and lasting links to colleagues and clients. Strengthen crucial connections further at in-house and external networking and social events.

    Connections that count
  • Personal interaction is key

    The KPMG culture not only consists of high expertise in house, it is also having the best people on board. By developing your interpersonal skills with our trainings and courses, you will sharpen your personal attributes which are essential for succeeding on the job.

    Personal interaction is key
  • Show your success – get your certifications

    Our courses will allow you to get better as a professional and individual. And thanks to the acquired certifications, you will be able to show your success and learning path to your network via a digital badge.

    Show your success – get your certifications


Embracing a culture of continual learning and upskilling is key for us as a firm and for everyone of us personally to remain future-focused and competitive on the markets.

We want to ensure you have access to market-leading learning and development opportunities, including ESG and technology (AI, Microsoft Learning Plan, Digital & Data Foundation), so that you can stay ahead of the curve with the skills and knowledge you need now and in the future.

And to showcase your achievements, a learning certificate will be issued after each successful completion of a training or course.

Human-Centered Leadership

In the spirit of “Better Together”, we are moving our leadership approach to a more individual and human-centered one.

We continue to invest in leadership development by providing our People Managers with critical, future-focused leadership learning elements (e.g. coaching skills). This accelerates our transformation towards a human-centered leadership approach and puts the People Manager - Counselee relationship into the spotlight.

Our People Manager Academy will equip you with the following skills:

  • Inspirational leadership

  • Building trustful relationships

  • Leading different generations and diversity

  • Providing impactful feedback

  • Coaching on individual needs

It is crucial to create an environment for our people where they can realize their full potential and deliver their best performance, and thanks to these actions, everyone will be able to do so.

Become a Certified Tax Expert

Watch the video to learn more about the training to become a Swiss Certified Tax Expert.

Become a Certified Public Accountant

Watch the video to learn more about the training to become a Swiss Certified Public Accountant.

Meet the team: Audit Large Engagements

Our Audit Corporates Large Engagements team shares insights about their daily work at KPMG.

Meet the Team Tax

Dive deep into the world of tax and meet our colleagues from the KPMG Tax department.

Do you have any questions?

Andrea Lück

Head Learning & Development