
Better communication in financial reporting

KPMG insights into making financial information more useful


Better communication in financial reporting (BCFR) currently comprises three International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) projects: Primary financial statements, the Disclosure initiative and Management commentary. All are aimed at improving information for users of financial statements.

And bookmark this page to learn more about these three significant projects along with other emerging issues on financial statement presentation – including our resources on Financial reporting in uncertain times.

Our latest insights

How companies communicate financial performance is changing

IFRS 18 aims to deliver more consistent, comparable and transparent information

Applying materiality when preparing financial statements

Companies encouraged to apply materiality and to provide company-specific disclosures

Disclosure of supplier finance arrangements

Amendments focus on disclosures only

Guides to financial statements

Insights into IFRS® – Our latest thinking

Our practical guide to IFRS Accounting Standards

Guides to financial statements

Illustrative disclosures and disclosure checklist under IFRS® Accounting Standards including past guides and sector supplements

IFRS toolkit

KPMG insights on applying IFRS® Accounting Standards

Other emerging issues

Classifying liabilities as current or non-current

IAS 1 amendments effective January 2024

Investor-focused management commentary

Proposed new framework designed to bring financial and non-financial information into a single report

Accounting policy or estimate?

A new definition of and clarifications on accounting estimates