
Connected Reporting Today

Our latest insights and guidance

Connected reporting is in a similar stage of development to financial reporting twenty years ago, with diverse national reporting requirements and practices. These are now coming together at a global level.

The IASB's proposals for its Management Commentary framework are designed to provide a comprehensive bridge between the historical picture presented in a company’s financial statements and the sustainability and other information that investors need to assess its long-term prospects.

Our latest insights

Connected reporting

Aligning your strategic, sustainability and financial information

Investor-focused management commentary

Proposed new framework designed to bring financial and non-financial information into a single report

Better communication in financial reporting

KPMG insights into making financial information more useful

The KPMG view – Connected reporting

Connected climate reporting

Driving better connectivity between the front and back of an annual report

Connectivity matters

Building trust between management and investors

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IFRS Today

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Clear on climate reporting

Digital hub on the financial reporting impacts of climate change