Many entrepreneurs and family business owners have exceptional skills and talents. Those with a passion for making the world a better place adapt to adversity, see new possibilities and implement innovative strategies. But who’s supporting the entrepreneur and owner to bring their long-term vision to life? Even those with exceptional skills and talents need a support system, and in today’s rapidly evolving business environment, that can take the form of a board.
When the right team is assembled, boards play an important role in the family business, providing guidance and oversight with the owners’ and families’ best interests at heart. Establishing a strong and effective board can help owners:
- Navigate their toughest challenges
- Manage their succession plan
- Prepare their business for long-term success.
In this post and others to follow, I’ll lay out the critical considerations necessary to ensuring that, when the time is right for you to establish a board for your family business, you’ll be taking every step with confidence, each one onward and upward.