

We have made the KPMG website as easy to use as possible. However, some features, such as the multimedia content, may be new to you. This page contains information to assist you with those features and to help you get the most from this website.

Site Requirements

In order to view the multimedia files on KPMG website, you will require the following software:


We advise you to use a modern browser, such as:

PDF documents

To read PDF documents, you may need the free Adobe Reader.

Frequently asked questions: PDF documents

There are many PDF documents available across the KPMG website. These contain more information than can generally be fitted onto a web page and have the added value of being formatted for easy printing.

What are PDF files?

PDF files (Portable Document Format) allow documents to be read and shared between different types of applications and computer systems. They are much more suited to longer documents than a web page is and have the added advantage of being easily printed. The PDF format was created by Adobe and in order to read PDF documents, you need to install their Adobe Reader software. This is free, does not take long to download, and is easy to install.

How do I get the Adobe Reader?

Download Adobe Reader

Before you start the installation, we recommend that you close your web browser as the Adobe Reader software may integrate with it and might not do so correctly if you leave it open. Simply follow the installation instructions until the process is complete.

How do I get the best from PDF documents?

Using the Adobe Reader toolbar icons, you will be able to zoom in to enlarge small text and images. You can drag the page around to examine different parts of it. You can also click the print icon to send the document to your network printer. Most PDFs are optimized for printing, which means that you can very easily transfer them from the KPMG website to paper to be read at your leisure. Furthermore, by using the save icon, you can save the document on your computer to be read or printed at your leisure, so you don't have to revisit the web page where you found the original link.

Frequently asked questions: Search

The KPMG website is expanding all the time as new content is added. The most important information is given prominence on our pages. However, there is also a great deal of additional material which you can find through our search function.

How is information distributed across the KPMG website?

The website is divided into sections, each of which is concerned with specific areas of our business. These are 'Insights', 'Industries', 'Services' and 'Events'. Within these sections, information is further divided. For example, within 'Services' you will find 'Audit', 'Tax', 'Advisory' and 'KPMG Enterprise'. By navigating through these various parts of the site, you will find 'top level' information; that is, the material we judge to be most important and timely.

How can I search for specific information?

The KPMG website has an inbuilt search engine. In the upper right corner of each page you will find a search field. Write you keywords in this and click the button to search. If you are looking for a specific phrase, enclose it in quotation marks. For example, if you search for structured finance derivatives the engine will look for any documents that contain any of those words anywhere within its text. However, if you search for "structured finance derivatives" (note the quotation marks), the search engine will only look for documents that contain all three words in that order.

How should I choose search terms?

Select words that are most relevant to the subject matter you are searching for. Try to be as specific as possible and use more than a single word if you can. Search engines are not case sensitive, so you don't need to bother with capitalizing, for example, proper names; the results will be the same whether you do or not. Common words, such as 'and', 'where', 'how' and 'if' are similarly ignored. So rather than typing 'how can I find the latest news about European tax legislation?' you need only type 'latest news european tax legislation'. In fact, because search results are ordered with the most recent material first, you would probably get the same outcome by simply typing european tax legislation into the search field.