Technology for business leaders in tax

In today's complex tax and business landscape, expectations for global transparency heighten and real-time information sharing across jurisdictions becomes increasingly common. As a result, tax technology is emerging as one of the most important enablers of effective tax department design and delivery. Technology and innovation can be the difference between a tax department that is on the defensive, a department that is simply keeping pace and one that is proactively building a proud tax narrative inside and outside of the organization.

Explore KPMG’s host of tax technologies that have been developed to help tax leaders and their departments tackle regulatory change, facilitate streamlined processes, turn data into value and enable effective collaboration across the tax department and beyond.

KPMG is investing in technology and helping to deliver leading-edge solutions to our clients through:

$ (USD) investment in technology over five years

$0 (USD) investment in tax and legal technologies specifically

0jurisdictions in which Tax Technology solutions are being delivered

0 Cloud based KPMG Digital Gateway platform with a wealth of technologies


Technologies to drive strategic value

KPMG Global Tax & Legal technology tools are positioned to help reduce costs, mitigate risks, improve quality and drive more strategic value across organizations globally.

Tax Reimagined is a technology-enabled holistic approach to helping organizations develop and implement a customized target operating model for tax and finance functions, while KPMG Digital Gateway is a single platform solution that gives organizations access to the full suite of KPMG Tax & Legal technologies, and more. And, as companies globally work to manage their data more efficiently and effectively, KPMG's Data Management for Tax & Legal is available to offer technologies, and tried and tested process methodologies, to help you solve your specific challenges and needs, wherever it may be in the data lifecycle.

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