Evolving the tax function of the future
In today’s complex tax landscape, technology and innovation can be the difference between a tax department that is on the defensive, a department that is simply keeping pace and one that is proactively building a proud tax narrative inside and outside of the organization.
KPMG’s Digital Gateway for Tax, powered by Microsoft Azure and built on the cloud, provides tax leaders with one-stop access technology-driven solutions, including KPMG’s suite of tax technologies and supporting services, industry news and current KPMG Tax thought leadership.
Guided user experience
Digital Control Tower inbox that includes action items, alerts and new content, helping to ensure each user session is directionally focused.
Application connectivity
Digital Gateway platform applications are now front and center in the Digital Gateway Control Tower, improving the user entry experience and further enabling the integration across the platform applications.
Enhanced usability
Enhanced navigation to help ensure users are getting high value in the fewest clicks possible.
Generative AI capabilities
Equipped with Gen AI as an independent component to communicate directly with data, enabling powerful insights, automation and enhanced levels of efficiency.
KPMG Digital Gateway for Tax
Your doorway to a world of technology solutions built for today’s most challenging tax, data analytics and other business issues.
KPMG BEPS 2.0 tracker
The KPMG BEPS 2.0 tracker is a page for BEPS Pillar Two content providing access to announcements, jurisdiction status information, and jurisdiction contacts. This new page presents a world map view that highlights countries for which there is jurisdictional and legislative status information available.
KPMG BEPS 2.0 Automation Technology
The KPMG BEPS 2.0 Automation Technology (KBAT) is a cloud based tool designed to help you evaluate, monitor, compile, track, calculate, analyze, report, and comply with Pillar Two obligations, through integration with the KPMG Digital Gateway platform.
KPMG Digital Gateway Deal Connect
KPMG Digital Gateway Deal Connect is an interactive new platform within the Digital Gateway ecosystem that assists with the end-to-end lifecycle of deals and projects, allowing engagement teams to collaborate on a single online digital platform to capture deals, the associated documents, applicable deal elements, as well as track deal deliverables and milestones.
KPMG Digital Gateway Deal Connect
An integrated global platform to facilitate the end-to-end lifecycle of a deal or project
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Our People
Deirdre Fortune
Global Head of Asset Management Tax, KPMG International, and National Tax Leader – Public Investment Management
KPMG in the U.S.
Lachlan Wolfers
Head of Data, Global Tax & Legal, and Head of Global Indirect Tax Services
KPMG International
Sean Bloodwell
Head of Global Compliance Management Services, KPMG International; and Partner,
KPMG in the U.S.
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