Operational resilience has always been essential, however in today’s turbulent environment, it must be even more front of mind for boards and leadership.  

Operational resilience is the ability to provide stability of business services amid disruption – whether that be a pandemic, cyber security breach or asset breakdown, or a more everyday occurrence like the departure of a key-person dependency.  

Operational resilience is vital to the success of a business, to customers, to fellow market participants, and to financial market stability. For these reasons, some industry regulators around the world, notably in UK financial services, are working to make operational resilience a regulatory requirement. 

Powering up Resilience

To achieve operational resilience, KPMG’s Powered Resilience approach is here to help.  

KPMG Powered Resilience is part of our broader suite of Powered Enterprise  solutions. These transformation solutions draw on our vast experience of transformation in different sectors and business functions, coupled with our on-the-pulse knowledge of the latest cloud technologies and how to implement them to deliver results quickly.   

KPMG Powered Resilience is designed to accelerate your path to sustainable, enterprise-wide operational resilience, enabling you to be connected, to generate trust, and gain a competitive advantage. Transformation is made faster and simpler, as we can leverage our proven operating models, resilience control frameworks, sector-specific service taxonomies, and pre-configured technology assets.  

The below diagram shows our approach in more detail, covering 12 steps from planning your transformation strategy, all the way to recovery planning and management in the event of a disruption. This operational level is supported by layers of control and assurance, to drive continued success. 

Operational resilience management, table

Powered Resilience helps you to:

  • Make resilience and trust foundations of your organisational strategy and value proposition
  • Be agile and flexible in maintaining business outcomes after disruptive events
  • Keep your business connected internally and externally, before and after disruption
  • Make your resilience data-driven and tech-enabled to generate timely insights, reduce costs and improve scalability

The way we can help you to do that is:

  • Have clear leadership accountability for resilience 
  • Embed resilience throughout the entire organisation to protect service delivery 
  • Move from siloed and asset-centric BCPs to a service-based approach 
  • Be clear on the range of business services that you offer and the potential to cause harm if disrupted 
  • Use data to identify and manage resilience vulnerabilities or gaps across people, processes, facilities, technology, third parties and data, and take preventative actions 
  • Plan the right resource investment for stability of service delivery 
  • Have service disruption recovery and communication plans in place 
  • Embed a culture of resilience and focus on innovation and continuous improvement 
  • Demonstrate compliance with local regulatory requirements 
  • Reduce any disruption to the customer experience, support the viability of the organisation and broader financial market stability, and maintain brand reputation  

Powerful outcomes

The benefits of Powered Resilience include clear visibility and control of services, resources and risks, leading to more assured stability of services in times of disruption. In addition to supporting the business, customers, and financial markets, resilience can become a key competitive advantage and a driver of trust.  

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Functional transformation across the enterprise

Powered Enterprise Finance

Powered Enterprise Finance

Get your finance, future-ready.

Pre-configured for:

Powered Enterprise | HR

Powered Enterprise HR

Future-ready HR that delivers a new way of working.

Pre-configured for:

Powered Enterprise | Procurement

Powered Enterprise Procurement

Unlock potential with Powered Procurement.

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Powered Enterprise Supply Chain

Powered Enterprise Supply Chain

Get more from your suppliers and supply chain.

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Powered Enterprise Marketing, Sales and Service

Powered Enterprise Marketing, Sales and Service

Sell more and keep customers loyal.

Pre-configured for:

Powered Enterprise Cyber

Powered Enterprise Cyber

Protect and transform for the digital future.

Pre-configured for:

Powered Enterprise Risk

Powered Enterprise Risk

Build trust by harnessing risk.

Pre-configured for:

Powered Enterprise Global Business Services

Powered Enterprise Global Business Services

Consumer-grade business services.

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Powered Enterprise Sustainability

Powered Enterprise Sustainability

Transforming sustainability reporting.

Pre-configured for:

Powered Enterprise Global Business Services

Powered Enterprise IT

Get more from your technology.

Pre-configured for:

Powered Enterprise Supply Chain

Powered Enterprise Tax

Building a tax function fit for the future.

Pre-configured for:

Powered Enterprise Global Business Services

Powered Enterprise Resilience

Achieving stability amid disruption.

Pre-configured for:

The Powered toolkit

Our toolkit has three key elements for transformational success — a tried and tested operating model, an implementation suite and ongoing evolution services. Using them, you can turn your desired functional outcomes into reality.

Why choose Powered?

›   Transform the way you run your business

›   Drive success with the latest leading practices

›   Build agile functions that evolve as you grow

›   Help your people adopt and embrace change

›   Exploit the best technologies for value and performance

›   Optimise service delivery and use of data for competitive advantage

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