Despite a complex landscape, people professionals in the NHS have supported significant changes to the way in which health and care services are delivered, and been at the heart of supporting over 1 million people that work in the NHS.  However, we know from our experience in the NHS and in other industries, that the people function could go from good to great, and become truly world class.

There are big challenges ahead

KPMG UK has proudly worked with the Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) to recognise its 50 year anniversary in 2024 in producing this report.  The HPMA is the professional voice of people professionals in health and care across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, whose aim is to support and develop the people profession to improve the people management contribution in healthcare and ultimately improve patient care.

The health and care system in the UK is changing.  In fact, it is changing globally. With rising pressure on all parts of the health and care system, burnout, workforce shortages and significant financial pressures, the people profession must ask itself, how can we better support a brighter future.

What to expect from our report?

This report highlights 6 workforce waves to consider.  For some, this report may act as a prompt to refocus efforts on areas that will better support the delivery of the Future of HR & OD report, and the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.  For others, it will support personal & professional development, by focussing on their development areas that may be better aligned to the CIPD professional map, but also on what the NHS needs and wants from a future people profession.  It is an exciting time for the people profession.

What are the six workforce waves impacting the health sector?

The workforce waves have been developed from the themes captured during our research.  Each one sets out the challenge for people professionals that are on the horizon, underpinned by an evidence base, and why acting upon them now will further support the delivery of high performing, digitally enabled people services of the future.

Workforce waves

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