Christine is a Partner in the Financial Services Audit Practice in Toronto. Christine provides audit and audit related services to a number of private and public company clients; including large Canadian and foreign-based financial institutions and SEC registrants. She is also a member of KPMG’s Global Audit Quality Monitoring Group (GAQMG) whose objective is to ensure audit quality is maintained consistently throughout the KPMG network on financial services clients. Christine is vastly experienced in working on integrated audits and has a strong knowledge of IFRS. Christine's international work experience comrpises two years of experience working abroad at KPMG in Melbourne, Australia where she was auditing financial services clients including medium-sized lenders, securitization arrangements and performed due diligence procedures. This included working on an integrated PCAOB audit reporting in US GAAP.
BComm with Honours, Ryerson University
Co-Chair at neWCHapter supporting Women’s College Hospital Foundation
Treasurer at neWCHapter supporting women’s college hospital foundation (2018-2020)