Asifa Hirji


KPMG in Canada

Asifa has 14 years of audit experience with various not-for-profit and public sector organizations. She regularly works with organizations undertaking complex transactions to determine the appropriate accounting treatment, financial reporting implications, operational impacts and leading practices. 

Asifa is an active member of KPMG's Public Sector and Not-for-Profit practice in BC, which addresses organizations' specific issues, risks and service requirements. As a member of KPMG's national PSAB accounting advisory team, Asifa has extensive experience with adopting new accounting standards. Asifa is also the leader of the KPMG Enterprise Efficiency and Quality Committee for GVA. In this role, Asifa leads initiatives that allow all audit teams to perform audits efficiently, effectively, and in accordance with professional standards and leading practices.

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (First Class Honours) with minor in Economics, Simon Fraser University, 2008
