Parinder Gandhu

Senior Manager

KPMG in Canada

Parinder Gandhu is a senior manager within KPMG's Family Office practice in the GVA, specializing in family dynamics and governance for family enterprises of all sizes and complexities. As a Family Enterprise Advisor, she is dedicated to cultivating human capital and ensuring the success of her clients.

Additionally, Parinder is the founder of SoKa Family Enterprise services, where she provides valuable guidance and advice to family enterprises. With an in-depth understanding of the interconnected family, business, and ownership systems, she works closely with her clients to enhance their relational capital, strengthen governance structures, and facilitate sustained and effective communication. Parinder is dedicated to enhancing the systemic well-being and long-term success of the individual and the collective family enterprise.

Drawing from an extensive background in social work and crisis counseling, Parinder brings over 15 years of experience and human services to her role. She adeptly leverages her education and experience to understand and assess complexities, developing strategic pathways that align with her clients' values and aspirations. With a keen eye for detail and a holistic perspective, Parinder confidently guides her clients towards achieving their goals and realizing their vision for success.