Rupert Crilly

Partner, Deal Advisory, Global Infrastructure Advisory

KPMG in Canada

Rupert Crilly is a Partner in our Global Infrastructure Advisory (GIA) practice. He works closely with his national Deal Advisory partners and the ESG Core Team to identify opportunities to support clients on their net zero journeys, from advising on strategy to corporate and project finance transactions and implementation, such as renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs). Rupert has over 15 years’ experience supporting clients across sectors, including energy, utilities, transportation, real assets and infrastructure, supporting the energy transition and decarbonization efforts.

Rupert has a breadth of experience across infrastructure asset classes, with projects covering portfolios of asset types, such as whole-city net zero transitions, to novel technologies, such as CCUS networks, and to core infrastructure such as power transmission and generation. 

Rupert previously worked in the UK advising Bristol and Manchester on their net zero commercial and financial strategies, the UK Government on its commercial model for CCUS, and helping develop and implement innovative commercial models such as Direct Procurement for Customers in the water sector, the Cap and Floor regime for international electricity interconnectors, and Scotland’s new Deposit Return Scheme.

  • Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Deal Advisory
  • Infrastructure management
  • Power and Utilities
  • Sustainability implementation
  • MSc Economics, University College London, UK

  • BSc (Hons) Biology – Imperial College London, UK (with a year at Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France)

  • French language and culture, Sorbonne University, France