Ed Bartucci

Senior Tax Consultant

KPMG in Canada

Ed is a member of the KPMG Family Office Services group that provides specific tax planning advice to our high-net-worth individuals, including succession and estate planning. He has assisted many clients in developing strategies to minimize taxation on the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next. Ed has extensive experience helping clients minimize taxation on the sale of their business. Ed has worked with some of Canada’s most successful entrepreneurs to assist in building their great businesses. Ed’s previous roles included National Service Line Leader for KPMG Private Enterprise Tax and Tax Leader for KPMG Private Enterprise in the GTA. Ed has also been a member of the GTA Growth Committee and the National and GTA Tax Operating Committees.

As a member of these committees, Ed assisted in the development of various key service offerings to private companies and their shareholders. Some of these strategies have been implemented across Canada to assist entrepreneurs with the transfer of management and ownership of their business to the next generation in a tax effective manner.

  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), York University

  • QuantumShift, Ivey School of Business, Western University

  • Advanced Certification in Advising the Family Business (STEP)
