Colleen Basden

Partner of KPMG LLP and a Senior Vice President in KPMG Forensic Inc.


KPMG in Canada

Colleen has over 18 years of experience as a testifying or consulting expert in the areas of damage quantification, calculation of economic loss in intellectual property matters, in—depth fraud investigations, class action avoidance, and remediation projects. She has been qualified as an expert witness and has testified in Federal Court. Colleen’s experience includes work in various industries including: financial institutions, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, mining and consumer markets. She is an instructor at the University of Toronto’s Diploma in Investigative and Forensic Accounting program.

  • B.A. Accounting, University of Waterloo

  • Diploma in Investigative and Forensic Accounting, University of Toronto

  • CPA, The Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario

  • CA●IFA, Certified as a Specialist in Investigative and Forensic Accounting, The Canadian Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants

  • CBV, The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators

  • CFF (Certified Financial Forensics), The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

  • Member of the Forensic practice specializing In Forensic Accounting, Fraud Risk Management, Investigations and Litigation Support