
Financial Services Tax

In today's highly regulated financial services sector, tax leaders are contending with intricate regulatory frameworks, evolving tax laws, and increased scrutiny from tax authorities. KPMG's Financial Services Tax services professionals offers expertise, strategic insights and advance technology to help tax leaders navigate these complexities effectively.


Our approach

At KPMG we have adopted a multi-disciplinary approach, calling on KPMG professionals in complementary areas such as technical accounting, and regulatory & risk management. These resources can be tapped on a local, regional, or global basis. KPMG’s powerful internal knowledge sharing systems mean our tax professionals are up to date on all the relevant technical and industry developments, locally and globally. 

As customers want new services, investors seek more profit and less risk. Regulators, authorities, business partners and shareholders demand higher standards of compliance and corporate governance, utilizing web-based technologies to create new competitive opportunities and manage threats. Across KPMG’s global network of firms, our tax professionals work exclusively with financial sector teams, bringing their deep sector experience to the challenge being faced. They are there to help with the most pressing issues faced in the industry today. Across KPMG’s global network of firms, our tax professionals work exclusively with financial sector teams, bringing their deep sector experience to the challenge being faced. They are there to help with the most pressing issues faced in the industry today.

Financial Service Tax - Robin Walduck

Robin Walduck, Partner, Financial Services, Tax & Legal at KPMG in the UK, explores the trends, challenges and opportunities in the Financial Services tax landscape, and shares how to develop and execute effective global tax methodologies.

Our insights

Frontiers in finance

Latest market insights and forward-looking perspectives for financial services leaders and professionals.

Tax Insights

Navigate the future of tax: pressing business issues and opportunities facing tax and business leaders today.

Of further interest


Future of Tax & Legal Webcast Series

A webcast series dedicated to helping tax and legal leaders stay connected on top-of-mind business issues.

Podcast series for tax leaders

Short podcasts addressing some of the most pressing issues and opportunities facing tax and legal functions in the modern business world.

Financial Services

Uncover how KPMG professionals' experience in asset management, banking and capital markets, insurance, private equity, and real estate can help build a more robust financial services system.

Our people

Robin Walduck
Mr Robin Walduck

Global Head of Financial Services Tax, KPMG International


Throughout this webpage, “we”, “KPMG”, “us” and “our” refer to the network of independent member firms operating under the KPMG name and affiliated with KPMG International or to one or more of these firms or to KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client servicaes. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.

Connect with us

KPMG combines our multi-disciplinary approach with deep, practical industry knowledge to help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities. Connect with our team to start the conversation.

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