As of 1 January 2024, the 30% ruling for highly-skilled employees recruited from abroad will be scaled back even further if the Upper House (Eerste Kamer) of Parliament (Staten-Generaal) in the Netherlands also adopts the bill.1 Under current review are potential changes affecting expatriate employees that could have detrimental effects on their tax position as compared to their position under existing rules. This is in addition to the amendment of the 30% ruling that was approved last year and takes effect from 1 January 2024.
As we previously reported, the 30% ruling can no longer be applied on employment income exceeding the WNT-norm (which is € 233,000 in 2024). For employees who were already using the 30% ruling in December 2022, grandfathering rules apply until 1 January 2026.
(For prior coverage, see GMS Flash Alert 2023-186, 29 September 2023.)