
United Kingdom – Rises in Salary Thresholds for Sponsored Workers

GMS Flash Alert 2023-111/

As confirmed in the Statement of Changes published in March in the U.K.,1 the salary requirements for the Sponsored Worker immigration routes have been updated in line with the latest Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) data.  Both the salary thresholds and going rates for individual occupations have also been updated (going rates are mostly increased).

Clarification has also been added to how salaries are considered where an applicant is working a pattern in which the regular hours are not the same each week.


These changes were implemented from 12 April and it is important that these are taken into consideration when calculating visa and relocation costs for foreign talent who require sponsorship.

Key Highlights

Notable changes are:

  • The Skilled Worker minimum salary threshold increases from £25,600 to £26,200.
  • The Global Business Mobility Senior and Specialist Worker minimum salary threshold increases from £42,400 to £45,800.


In order to employ individuals under the aforementioned “routes,” companies must be able to compensate such individuals, at a minimum, the prescribed salary thresholds, as updated.

For existing employees, when it comes to their next visa extension or settlement stage, employers will be obliged to align their salaries with the new mandatory minimum thresholds.

Failure to do so could impact employers’ ability to recruit and retain foreign talent. 

1  See "Policy paper: Statement of changes to the immigration rules: HC 1160, 9 March 2023" at: .

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KPMG in the UK

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