From 11 to 14 June 2024, KPMG consumer and retail professionals from around the world will be convening at The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Global Summit in Chicago, US.

We are thrilled to once again be part of this significant annual gathering, where we will engage in the educational programming, exchange insights with our peers, and most importantly, interact with KPMG firm clients in person.

KPMG remains dedicated to the CGF's mission of uniting consumer goods retailers and manufacturers to collaborate and foster positive change towards a more sustainable future for humanity and our planet. In line with our ongoing collaboration with the CGF, we are honored to have jointly published their 2023 annual review — Accelerating the Pace of Change: From Action to Impact— which underscores the advancements made by each of the nine  Coalitions of Action, which are charged with expediting the CGF's primary objectives.

KPMG insights at the CGF Global Summit

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