France has launched a new tool to automatically inform holders of certain residence permits when their permits are about to expire.


This new proactive tool will encourage users to submit their applications to renew their residence permits within the regulatory deadlines.  This will help to prevent situations where there is a lapse in coverage, to limit the need to issue provisional documents such as "attestation de prolongation d‘instruction" and also to help avoid penalties resulting from late permit renewal applications.

More Details

As part of the experimental Foreign Services Reform Programme (PERSée), a new digital tool has been developed by the General Directorate for Foreigners in France (“Direction Générale des Étrangers en France”) to help prevent situations where there is a lapse in coverage.1

Foreign nationals who hold a residence permit issued under a previous application submitted via the ‘’Administration Numérique des Etrangers en France‘’ (ANEF) will be alerted by email and text message that their permit is about to expire and will be reminded of the deadline for submitting a renewal application.

As a reminder, foreign nationals holding a residence permit must apply for its renewal no earlier than four months and no later than two months before the expiry of the permit, when the application in question is entered via the ANEF website.  Renewal of a residence permit applied for after the expiry of this deadline will give rise to a late fee of EUR 180.

The new digital system will automatically and simultaneously send users two notifications by SMS and email: the first, four months before the residence permit expires, and the second, two months and one week before it expires.


The aim of this new proactive tool is to encourage users to submit their application to renew their residence permit within the statutory time limits, to help prevent situations where a person’s rights are not respected and to limit the need to issue provisional documents.

Should any residence permit holders have questions about the steps to follow as the term of their residence permit nears its end and/or how the new digital tool works, they are encouraged to contact their usual qualified immigration counsel or a member of the immigration team with KPMG Avocats (see the Contact Us section). 

* Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.

The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in France.


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