The Swedish government handed over a proposal to the Council on Legislation for approval on 6 May 2024.  The changes proposed would allow certain individuals residing in Sweden under the European Union’s Temporary Protection Directive (“TPD”)1 to register with the Swedish Population Registry and receive additional health and social security benefits.2  The changes are expected to come into effect on 1 November 2024.


Should the proposed changes come into effect, living conditions for foreign nationals who have been granted a residence permit with temporary protection in Sweden will improve.  Ukrainian nationals who have held a Swedish residence permit for at least 12 months and reside in Sweden for at least another six months will be able to register in the Swedish Population Registry.  Being in the Population Registry not only helps with the opening of a bank account, but it also guarantees expanded access to health and medical care, as well as dental care and other social security benefits (including parental benefits).  


Since the implementation of the EU’s TPD for Ukrainian nationals, covered individuals have not been able to register with the Swedish Population Registry, resulting in some practical difficulties in their day-to-day life.  In the proposal, it is suggested that a foreign national who has been granted a residence permit based on TPD, should be able to register with the Population Registry earlier than what the current regulation allows.  There are also proposals to help ensure the right to work-based parental benefits and temporary parental benefits. 


KPMG welcomes the proposed changes; it is expected that many companies in Sweden that have employees with a residence permit based on TPD will also find this a welcome development.

If employers, organisations, or individuals have questions regarding temporary protection status (who is eligible, what entitlements are available, etc.) and require further advice and assistance regarding next steps, they should consult with their qualified immigration counsel or they can contact a member of the Immigration team with KPMG in Sweden (see the Contacts section).

We will continue to monitor developments on this proposal.3


1  For related coverage, see GMS Flash Alert 2023-193, 18 October 2023.

2  In Swedish, click here . Förbättrade levnadsvillkor för utlänningar med tillfälligt skydd - .

3  For additional information about the status in various countries of Ukrainian nationals displaced by the invasion by Russia and the ongoing war in Ukraine, see the "Ukraine News Tracker" at this KPMG website: .  Several past issues of GMS Flash Alert have covered temporary protection status for Ukrainian nationals, which can be found here.

* Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.


The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Sweden.


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