An electronic airport transit visa requirement has been introduced, starting15 April 2024, for citizens of 10 countries who will transit to Mexico, Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela using Istanbul Airport.1


Turkey, which is both a transit country and a destination country in terms of global “irregular” migration movements, is actively implementing measures to reinforce its fight against irregular migration.2

With this obligation, irregular migration is expected to be prevented to some extent.

Passengers travelling from the afore-mentioned countries, from 15 April 2024, have new steps and procedures to complete in order to be in compliance. 

More Details

Inspections within the framework of accepted international aviation rules have been increased due to the recent rise in the number of irregular immigrants heading to North America via various Central and Latin American countries, using transit airline opportunities via Turkey.

Turkish Airlines (THY) warned in March for passengers traveling to South American countries that "some additional checks may be applied in addition to the general rules such as passport and visa requirements for accepting passengers on flights."3

According to information obtained from diplomatic sources, in this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has completed the necessary preparations to implement the electronic airport transit visa (e-HTV) application.4

Citizens of Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Guinea, India, Mauritania, Nepal, Somalia, and Yemen who will travel to Mexico, Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela, but transit through Istanbul Airport, as of 15 April 2024, must obtain an electronic airport transit visa.

Can Be Obtained via Internet Free-of-Charge

The electronic transit visa can be obtained free-of-charge online from the "" portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as of 15 April 2024.5  Passengers must correctly enter their personal information, accommodation address information, and ticket numbers when obtaining an electronic visa.

Passenger Practical Matters

Istanbul Airport transit passengers who are subject to an electronic transit visa are also expected to have print-outs of their transit visas with them.

Passengers subject to an electronic transit visa will be able to pass through security control and go to the departure floor after having their visas checked at one of the visa points located in both wings of the Istanbul Airport international transit passenger arrivals hall.


The changes to the rules for nationals of the 10 countries in question mean additional steps and procedures in order to complete their journeys.  There may be some confusion and questions regarding who the rules apply to and the appropriate next steps.  Concerned parties may wish to consult with their usual travel agents and immigration counsel.  They may also reach out to a member of the KPMG Immigration team in Turkey for assistance (see the Contacts section).


1  As an example of the Turkish government’s announcement of this policy, see: Turkish Embassy in New Delhi, India, "IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE INDIAN/NEPALESE PASSANGERS TRAVELING TO MEXICO, PANAMA, COLOMBIA, VENEZUELA VIA İSTANBUL AIRPORT."

2  The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) defines the term 'migrant in an irregular situation' as follows: A person who moves or has moved across an international border and is not authorised to enter or to stay in a State pursuant to the law of that State and to international agreements to which that State is a party (Source:

3  See this webpage on the Turkish Airlines website:

4  Passengers can obtain their e-ATV via the website:

5  Ibid.

Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.

The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Turkey.


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