Navigating ESG tax measures

The regulatory landscape is evolving rapidly, with governments worldwide introducing tax measures and incentives to positively impact the environment and combat climate change. These initiatives are part of their commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Globally, we are seeing the introduction of environmental taxes such as new carbon and plastic taxes, scope expansion of carbon pricing systems, and various funding opportunities to support green investments, like sustainable energy transitions.

How KPMG professionals can help

KPMG experts can assist you in complying with global ESG metrics. Our multidisciplinary team ensures that taxes are integrated into your holistic ESG projects, whether they involve supply chain, workforce, or other business transformations.

KPMG's ESG tax tracker tool

The KPMG ESG Tax Tracker Tool provides comprehensive insights into the global ESG and sustainability landscape for taxes, incentives, and grants. This tool acts as an information repository, offering details on environmental taxes and incentives, carbon pricing, and social taxes and incentives.

Companies must not only stay compliant but also leverage the available incentives and grants. The KPMG ESG Tax Tracker gives detailed information about environmental taxes, incentives, and government grants worldwide. For instance, it can answer questions like: Does Japan have a carbon tax? Has the Italian plastic tax been introduced? What corporate tax relief does Nigeria offer for renewable energy providers? The ESG Tax Tracker covers these questions and more.

The tool not only details existing legislation but also provides information on upcoming regulations under consideration or in the process of being promulgated. By utilizing the in-depth information from our in-country subject-matter specialists, we help you understand and monitor regulatory developments, critically assess related opportunities and obligations, and stay informed about changes to position your business advantageously in this dynamic environment.

KPMG's ESG Tax Tracker Tool is regularly updated, based on the global ESG Regulatory Database, and covers more than 80 countries. It leverages our global network and ESG specialists.

If you need information about a jurisdiction not covered in the database or want to discuss any items in more detail, please contact your local KPMG advisor or one of our specialists in environmental taxes, incentives, subsidies, and grants.