Banking and Capital Markets

KPMG firms' Banking and Capital Markets practice combines industry knowledge and experience with strategic insight to help our clients succeed.

Man Talking on phone while walking

Disruption. Regulations. Cost. These are three key themes that link the many challenges retail, commercial and investment banks face in today’s rapidly evolving financial services industry. From implementing new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and blockchain, through to transitioning to new low-cost structures while driving value creation, banks are under pressure from several fronts. KPMG can help.

KPMG has a global multi-disciplinary team of professionals who understand specific client needs and can help deliver successful outcomes. Our close connection with regulators, understanding of key issues, and deep industry knowledge aims to lead to smooth collaboration and practical execution. We are continuously evolving and growing to help ensure we have the capabilities, methods and alliance relationships to deliver the insights-driven, fact-based and technology-enabled services to enhance sustainable value.

What we do

KPMG’s firms Banking and Capital Markets practice offers specialized services to a wide range of industry clients at local, national and global levels. Our professionals in Audit, Tax and Advisory are specialists in their fields and have deep experience in the issues and needs of banking and investment businesses.

Our Insights

Browse our thought leadership and insights, explore our case studies and subscribe to our global financial services content insights to receive newly released content on pressing business issues and opportunities facing financial institutions around the world.

Intelligent banking

A blueprint for creating value through AI-driven transformation

Modernizing payments

Global perspectives from financial and retail executives on payment modernization strategies and trends

Sustainable finance revolution

How banks can profit from sustainable growth

KPMG 2024 Banking CEO Outlook

This year’s KPMG 2024 Banking CEO Outlook examines how today’s business leaders within the sector are facing multifaceted and relentless challenges

Beyond Savings: Cost optimization for the modern bank

For cost improvements to be successful in the banking industry, they should be sustainable.

Industry expertise

Our global network of multidisciplinary Insurance teams combine industry experience and technical capabilities to help clients in personal insurance, commercial insurance and reinsurance achieve their objectives.

KPMG Payments

An overview of KPMG firms' global digital solutions, services and strategies for payments.

Financial Services

Uncover how KPMG professionals' experience in asset management, banking and capital markets, insurance, private equity, and real estate can help build a more robust financial services system.

Our people

KPMG’s global network of Banking and Capital Markets professionals has the experience, capabilities and tools to help you achieve your objectives. Contact a KPMG professional near you.

Francisco Uría

Global Head of Banking and Capital Markets

KPMG International


Connect with us

KPMG combines our multi-disciplinary approach with deep, practical industry knowledge to help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities. Connect with our team to start the conversation.

Two colleagues having a chat