The next evolution of the business landscape is underway. From increasing pressures from ESG, international climate and biodiversity agreements, and consumer preference, now is the time to begin your nature-positive journey.

We are here to support you with integrating nature and biodiversity into your enterprise risk management frameworks and corporate strategies, helping you to contribute to global climate and nature goals and targets and manage nature-related risks and opportunities across your value chains.

How we can help

Setting a nature ambition & strategic roadmap

We will help you develop your nature vision, and build a plan to deliver it.Key benefits include an understanding of your position relative to peers and the evolving policy and regulatory landscape as it relates to your business, as well as clearly defined actions and milestones for bringing your plans to life and measuring progress toward strategic objectives.

Heatmapping risks and identifying opportunities

By understanding the challenges that prevent you from moving forward, including impacts, dependencies and risks, with respect to nature and biodiversity, you can understand the challenges you must overcome to reach your goals. We will develop a portfolio risk assessment for you, as well as heatmapping and more.

Setting targets

We can help you to set business-wide nature targets aligned with business objectives and external frameworks, such as the recommendations from the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and associated guidance for target setting from the Science-based Targets Network (SBTN).

Data and tools landscape assessment

Measuring key indicators to track your impacts, dependencies and progress against targets is another important factor of your nature and biodiversity strategy journey.

Undertaking scenario analysis

Nature-related scenario analysis can help you to identify and manage material risks and opportunities that may evolve in the future. We can help you to understand how risks associated with nature degradation and climate change may impact your business, and to identify options for generating value and contributing to nature-positive outcomes.

Integrating nature into transition planning

Our team can support you with integrating nature into transition plans, identifying opportunities to align with and enhance your existing net zero strategy through nature-based solutions.

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