Accelerate public sector digital transformation

Download our research report with Forrester

Citizen satisfaction with public sector customer services is on a downwards spiral. There’s been an 11% fall in satisfaction from 2021 to 2023, according to our Customer Experience Excellence research. But how can you change the direction of travel when you’re under constant pressure to manage costs?

Digital transformation is a big part of the answer. The ‘digital citizen’ wants to be able to self-serve using digital channels. Your people can work more effectively when they’re supported by an AI colleague. And you can make more informed decisions when you have easier access to data and the tools to analyse it.

Citizens are ready for digital-first services. And digital can unlock costs. So, what’s holding you back?

The digital maturity of public sector organisations is low, according to new research conducted by Forrester on behalf of KPMG. It highlights the challenges facing technology leaders as they seek to accelerate digital transformation of UK public services.

Today's citizens want seamless experiences across digital channels, but when we compare this to the supply of services, our research with Forrester shows digital maturity is low - only 17% of public sector organisations consider their transformation efforts to be successful. This marks a real need to break down the barriers that are preventing this figure from rising.
Laura Webb Photo

Laura Webb
Public Sector Technology
Transformation Lead
KPMG in the UK

Download the Forrester research report

In this report you will learn about:

  • What progress is being made on public sector digital transformation
  • How you can address the barriers to successful public sector digital initiatives
  • What the digital future of UK government and the public sector could look like
Download the report ⤓

Our key findings

Together with Forrester, we spoke with over 140 technology and transformation leaders, plus 43 decision makers in UK government departments who are involved in digital transformation decisions.


UK public services have a significantly low level of digital maturity and only a handful (17%) would rate their efforts at digital transformation successful


UK public services are facing severe success obstacles including a lack of technology strategy (49%), technology-specific skills and knowledge (42%), and budget constraints (44%)


Decision makers in UK public services need help with their digital transformation journey to accelerate transformation

The challenges of digital transformation in government and public sector

See key findings    

The challenges for public sector industries

Central Government

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Higher Education

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Client examples of best practice

Establishing the building blocks for IT evolution

Read the full case study
When it comes to establishing the foundations for IT strategy success, the word connectedness is key. During the time of collaboration with KPMG to get the IT strategy into a place ready for implementation, I had an IT function with seven different areas, which included: tech engineers, service desk, data centre team, IS, corporate information systems. Now all these areas are connected, part of the same flow and aligned to the wider organisational objectives, which is a radical departure from where we were.

David Myers
CIO, Lancaster University

Connecting council and citizens

Read the full case study
We’re committed to being a modern, accessible and accountable Council, providing effective community leadership. And our ability to deliver the highest quality services – efficiently, effectively and with superior customer experiences – is core to that goal. Working with KPMG, we have radically transformed service delivery for our residents while simultaneously reducing the operating budget. It’s been a win-win for everyone.

Graham Farrant
CEO, BCP Council

Create a safer and more accessible digital world

Read the full case study
This ambitious contract was the UK’s largest international cyber capacity-building programme to date. It involved a diverse consortium of 21 suppliers across six countries – from small NGOs to academics to specialist cyber firms. And it was all co-ordinated by KPMG. Together, we worked to address the significant impacts of cyber threats in developing countries, preventing harm to citizens and businesses.

Jemima Hodkinson
Head of CSSF Cyber Programme, Cyber Policy Department, FCDO

Driving better patient outcomes through digital learning

Read the full case study
If we can inspire people to want to do more with data, they’ll realise the need to learn more with data, too. Learning isn't and shouldn’t just be a one-off activity, it should be part of our everyday culture

Chris Habberley
Advanced Analytics Lead, Department of health and Care Wales

Watch our perspective on what you can take from the research

If this is the supply, what does demand look like?

Citizen Experience Excellence research – citizen services for all, experiences for one

Research conducted in conjunction with our Customer Experience Excellence team, examining the expectations of UK citizens from their interactions with government and public service providers. We’ve surveyed citizens from 12 UK regions and had over 55,000 survey responses with 8,500 detailed verbatim comments. This is our 3rd year of collating the Citizen Experience Excellence report underpinned by the Six Pillars of Customer Experience – grounded in 14 years of research, 40 global markets and 4,000 brands evaluated globally.

Download the report ⤓

Book your complimentary consultation

Fill out your contact details to request a complimentary meeting with us to discuss your digital maturity and potential routes towards improved, citizen-centric services.

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A future for all,
a world for one

How can you better serve the digital citizen and accelerate public service transformation?

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Our collaboration with Government Transformation

From Legacy to Leadership: Accelerating Digital Transformation in the UK Public Sector

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Accelerating digital

Read the full article

Meet our experts

Beccy Fenton contact photo

Beccy Fenton

Head of IGH and UK
Head of Health &
Human Services

KPMG in the UK

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Laura Webb contact photo

Laura Webb

Public Sector Technology
Transformation Lead

KPMG in the UK

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Col Campbell contact photo

Col Campbell

Chief Strategy Officer
Connected Tech UK

KPMG in the UK

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