Tax dispute in Norway

Norway chapter in the Tax Dispute and Litigation Review

Thor Leegaard, attorney at law and partner in the Norwegian tax practice of KPMG has authored the Norwegian chapter of the seventh edition of the Tax Disputes and Litigation Review. The chapter provides an overview and practical guidance on tax disputes in Norway from tax audit to litigation.



Thor Leegaard

Partner | Advokat

KPMG Law Advokatfirma AS


On the Tax Disputes and Litigation Review

Tax Disputes and Litigation Review's objective is to provide tax professionals involved in disputes with revenue authorities in multiple jurisdictions with an outline of the principal issues arising in those jurisdictions. In the secenth edition, key jurisdictions are added where disputes are likely to occur for multinational businesses. Each chapter provides an overview of the procedural rules that govern tax appeals and highlights the pitfalls of which taxpayers need to be most aware.

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