Financial Risk Management Services

Helping clients manage financial risks, limit financial exposures and make dynamic risk/return profile driven investments
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Introduction to KPMG in India's Financial Risk Management(FRM)

KPMG in India’s Financial Risk Management (FRM) is an integral part of the global Financial Risk Advisory practice and one of the leading businesses in Risk Advisory.

We work with our clients to mitigate the risk in their financial exposures and navigate complex business issues by shaping robust risk strategies, optimising risk-adjusted performance and implementing pragmatic solutions.

We also help build some of the best-in-class risk and regulatory delivery models by helping them drive risk transformation programmes across their financial landscape.


Key offerings

  1. Actuarial Services

    The offering aims to provide transactions support, post-merger integration, capital management, modelling, Solvency II, IFRS, finance transformation and financial reporting

  2. Credit and Market Risk

    Assist organizations in the alignment of their credit risk methodologies, processes and tools with leading risk practices.

  3. Operational and Reputation Risk

    KPMG in India’s operations risk team brings deep financial services industry knowledge and a breadth of experience in banking, insurance, and capital markets to help our clients address this challenge of combining risk management and transformation

  4. Capital Adequacy & Regulatory Services

    Capital Adequacy & Regulatory Reporting services can help financial institutions comply with regulatory requirements and maintain a capital buffer as required under the EU regulations

  5. Financial instruments accounting

    We provide clients with cutting edge financial instrument accounting guidance that will aim to provide them with clear, practical solutions. We are currently assisting our clients with the impact and implementation of IFRS9, financial instruments, which is expected to change credit impairments in the financial services sector.

Why KPMG in India

  1. Successfully implemented risk transformation programs across global banks for regulatory reporting and business intelligence
  2. Successfully implemented large multi-year ERM and IFRS 9 projects with large public and private sector banks in and outside India
  3. Successfully designed the risk policy and framework for different large banks
  4. Implemented risk analytics systems for clients across global banks
  5. KPMG in India’s Centre of Excellence on regulations providing insights on global direction and thought leadership on regulatory changes and Islamic banking
Confident Mixed-Race Businesswoman Holding Digital Tablet in Modern Office

Compliance Automation Function

Compliance Automation Function

DORA decoded: Your gateway to digital resilience in financial landscapes

Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) strengthens the financial sector's resilience and KPMG in India excels in its regulation disciplines.

India Insights

Our insights is your gateway to thought leadership and in-depth reports. Explore our curated collection of valuable content, where we delve into complex business challenges, share industry trends, and provide actionable insights.

New Compliance Framework

By adopting proven frameworks, financial institutions can cultivate a proactive, information-driven compliance environment

Expected Credit Loss (ECL)

Evaluating ECL methodology is vital as it impacts P&L through provision charges and affects capital, liquidity, and other regulatory ratios

KPMG in India collaborates with NSE Academy to offer joint upskilling programmes

Under this collaboration, both parties will cover a wide range of topics via these programmes

International Fraud Awareness Week

International Fraud Awareness Week 2024, held from 17-23 November, to raise awareness about the impacts and prevention of fraud

Effective model risk management framework for AI/ML based models

Enhancements needed in the MRM framework to embed fairness considerations for the AI/ML based models.

‘Fit and proper’ due diligence

Integrity through ‘fit and proper’ due diligence for shareholders and key personnel in financial institutions.

SEBI CSCRF - Our Point of View

The Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Framework aims to strengthen cybersecurity measures and ensure adequate cyber resilience for regulated entities

Money Mules: FinCrime’s Trojan Horse Unveiled

Originating from the ancient Trojan deception, money mules embody a modern-day Trojan horse strategy, navigating through digital financial systems.

RBI releases revised fraud risk management directions for Regulated Entities

This issue of the first notes aims to provide an overview of the revised fraud risk management system and framework for banks, NBFCs (including HFCs).

Cybersecurity considerations 2024: Financial services sector

Navigating uncertainty and embracing innovation

Fund liquidity risk management

Further regulatory developments

KPMG firms recognized among the ‘World’s Best Management Consulting Firms’ in Banks, Insurances & Financial Institutions

KPMG firms' financial services practice has been named one of the 2023 World’s Best Management Consulting Firms by Forbes

Financial resilience

Ensuring financial stability — regulatory insights on prudential regulation

Key Contact

Rajosik Banerjee

Deputy Head, Risk Advisory and Head Financial Risk Management

KPMG in India

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