Corporate Citizenship at KGS

Corporate Citizenship

Corporate Citizenship at KGS is grounded on our commitment toward our communities and their wellbeing and growth

Corporate Citizenship at KPMG Global Services (KGS) stems from our commitment toward our communities and is grounded on the framework provided by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — focus on the areas of development, education and environment. We are deeply invested in developing, implementing and managing a wide range of citizenship programs that support our vision and cover a broad spectrum of complex issues. Our aim is to affect holistic development of communities and help create social, environmental and economic value to society.

Employee engagement is a crucial part of this vision. KGS colleagues actively participate in our citizenship programs, investing their time and effort to support the larger objective.

CSR vision and objectives

One of our core values is Commitment to our Communities. As part of our Citizenship vision we understand and respond effectively to the needs of our local communities in terms of education and poverty alleviation. We at KGS understand the value of education – it is key to not just fulfilling early childhood potential, but also critical in enabling people to come out of a life of poverty and be self-reliant. This is why, lifelong learning is a central tenet of our corporate citizenship strategy.

Our other focus area is responsibly managing our environmental impact. Improving our environment is of paramount importance and requires immediate action if we are to make the world a better place for us and the future generations. Therefore, as a firm we have adopted a holistic approach and support projects working toward a cleaner, safer and healthier environment.


KPMG Global Services Private Limited

KGS CSR Action plan FY23-24

KGS CSR Action plan FY24-25

KPMG Resource Centre Private Limited

KRC CSR Action plan FY23-24

KRC CSR Action plan FY24-25

KPMG Global Delivery Center Private Limited

KGDC CSR Action plan FY23-24

KGDC CSR Action plan FY24-25

KPMG Global Services Management Private Limited

Policy Document

Policy Document

KGSMPL CSR Action plan FY23–24

KGSMPL CSR Action plan FY24–25

Key Contact

Devang Bhandari

Global COO – ESG Advisory, Partner, Deal Advisory & Strategy, Corporate Citizenship Executive Sponsor

KPMG Global Services