Workshop on Ind AS

KPMG’s Learning Academy brings to you a series of seventy-hours workshop on Ind AS to provide insights on the various accounting standards


KPMG in India brings to you a seventy-hour workshop on Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) to provide insights on the various accounting standards.

  This course seeks to give participants:

    1. A detailed understanding of the roadmap and Ind AS, with practical case studies and implementation challenges
    2. Specific coverage of complex topics, such as financial instruments, business combinations, leases, revenue recognition and share based payment to name a few
    3. Sector-specific practical insights including global practices and industry nuances
    4. The differences, impacts and implications of the Ind AS/IFRS
    5. An understanding of the potential impact on key ratios and key performance indicators, which need to be communicated to investors/stakeholders.

    1. Experienced faculty
    2. Dedicated learning team
    3. Trained more than 10000 participants, across many corporates
    4. Coverage of ‘Ind AS implementation issues’
    5. Conducted more than 150 workshops with 10000 participants as part of the Ind AS/IFRS series.

    • Ind AS 1: Presentation of financial statements
    • Ind AS 2: Inventories
    • Ind AS 41: Agriculture
    • Ind AS 8: Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
    • Ind AS 10: Events after the reporting date
    • Ind AS 12: Income taxes
    • Ind AS 16: Property, plant and equipment
    • Ind AS 19: Employee benefits
    • Ind AS 20: Accounting for government grants and government assistance
    • Ind AS 21: The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
    • Ind AS 23: Borrowing costs
    • Ind AS 24: Related party disclosures
    • Ind AS 27: Separate financial statements
    • Ind AS 28: Investments in associates and joint ventures
    • Ind AS 32: Financial instruments – presentation 
    • Ind AS 33: Earnings per share
    • Ind AS 34: Interim financial statements
    • Ind AS 36:  Impairment of assets
    • Ind AS 37: Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
    • Ind AS 38: Intangible assets 
    • Ind AS 40: Investment property
    • Ind AS 101: First time adoption of Ind AS
    • Ind AS 102: Share-based payment
    • Ind AS 103: Business combinations
    • Ind AS 105: Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
    • Ind AS 106: Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources
    • Ind AS 107: Financial instruments - disclosures
    • Ind AS 108: Operating segments
    • Ind AS 109: Financial instruments
    • Ind AS 110: Consolidated financial statements
    • Ind AS 111: Joint arrangements
    • Ind AS 112: Disclosure of interests in other entities
    • Ind AS 113: Fair value measurement
    • Ind AS 115: Revenue from contracts with customers
    • Ind AS 116: Leases

    Who should attend?

    • CFOs, finance directors, finance managers, academicians, and researchers in Ind AS/IFRS
    • Finance controllers
    • Finance professionals of medium to large sized companies.



    Programme details: Pedagogy

    • Interactive sessions with a thrust on practical examples and scenarios
    • Experienced professionals as instructors 
    • Complimentary access to KPMG in India’s Learning Management System and relevant material for a period of 6 months.



    Registration, fee and certificate

    INR 30,000 plus tax


    All participants will be awarded a personalised certificate of participation from KPMG in India.


    To know more & receive brochure get in touch with the following

    Online Virtual Batch

    1. Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Mangaluru, Chandigarh


      Sakshi Chopra




    1. Cochin, Trivandrum, Madurai, Mysore, Coimbatore, Vishakhapatnam; Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Jaipur, International Queries, Rest of India

      Anuankit Panda

    Customised corporate workshop

    We would be pleased to conduct specific in-house workshop for your organisation, if you have adequate number of participants.

    For enquiries related to corporate training or group nominations, please reach out to:

    The KPMG Learning Academy

    The KPMG Learning Academy brings together our depth of subject matter expertise with our learning design and technology skills and capabilities
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