European Foundation for Quality Management model (EFQM) is a globally recognised business excellence framework that provides a blueprint for organisations to develop a culture of improvements and innovation. It helps an organisation understand gaps, come up with possible solutions, as well as create sustainable value for its stakeholders. Today an organisation must manage two challenges i.e., change and operations. This calls for a more collaborative, creative and innovative mindset. The EQFM model allows self-assessment that determines current position of an organisation against the fundamental concepts of excellence.
KPMG in India has worked on several engagements supporting our clients on their business excellence journey, helping with design, development and assessment based on various global frameworks like EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management), MBNQA (Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award), etc. KPMG in India is a member of EFQM and has the one of the largest pools of experienced resources authorised in excellence assessments.
If you an aspiring futuristic organisation or like to have clear road map to business excellence journey then EFQM is for you