
India is witnessing an exponential rise in digital literacy. Today, consumers are far more informed, research-driven and demanding. Consumer markets are changing dynamically in the face of continuous disruption. As key drivers transform, pressing scenarios present new opportunities, and challenge the norms.

KPMG in India’s consumer markets sector can be categorised into:

  • Retail: Fashion, apparel, jewellery, accessories and eyewear
  • Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and services: Packaged foods, drinks and beverages, beauty and fragrances, health and personal care and services like gyms, salons and hospitals
  • E-commerce: E-tail, classifieds, food tech, e-ticketing, social media and e-learning
  • Agri-business: Agro chemical and fertilizers, dairy, fresh produce and grains
  • Consumer durables: White goods, kitchen appliances, computers, cameras and mobile phones and entertainment consumables
  • Home improvement: Home furnishing, furniture and sanitary ware

How can KPMG in India help?

KPMG in India has helped leading consumer markets companies globally successfully reinvent their strategies. Many of our most unique offerings are designed to improve customer-centricity, including:

  • Customer and digital transformation
  • Data analytics and security
  • Supply chain management
  • Growth and new business models.

We effectively leverage our vast repertoire of skillsets and expertise, our global network and frameworks and methodologies to deliver differentiated offerings and outcomes. Our advisory services leverage our deep knowledge in consumer markets and our methodologies to manage complex strategic issues such as Mergers and Acquisitions, market entry strategies, new regulatory requirements, people management and growth strategies. Our tax services support your consumer-centric business in planning, compliance and reporting of taxes across the spectrum, and our dedicated professionals utilise latest tools and methodologies with their agile perspective to provide constructive inputs.

We are here to enable you to leverage new growth opportunities, enhance your value proposition and help your consumer business to achieve sustained profitability and growth.

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Client stories

SPAR Hypermarket

Hyper market

SPAR Hypermarket needed a digital strategy to transform its operations and KPMG in India stepped in to help the hypermarket transform its operations through the development of an IoT platform. This automated the monitoring and tracking of the retailer’s cold storage units, minimizing wastage of perishable items and also reducing labor costs. 

As a result, SPAR has now moved beyond simply meeting the product needs of the customer to providing a superior shopping experience.

We know how to exploit technology.

A global CX solutions specialist

Hyper market

A client, a customer interaction management solutions provider overseeing internal operations of more than 1000 resources in over 60 countries faced a serious challenge around tracking of sales pipeline for revenue and resource forecasting.

Specialists from KPMG in India were engaged to help the client to plan and roll out an advanced system based on Microsoft’s - MS Dynamics AX and CRM with the aim of enhancing operational excellence in project management, resource scheduling, revenue accrual management, quality control, besides building interfaces with their other applications. This is in sync with the client’s plans for growth.

We deliver results that matter.

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