Astrus: Automated Monitoring

Astrus: Automated Monitoring

Continuously manage and monitor your third-party risk with Astrus; just one part of a broad-ranging third-party risk management program.

Continuously manage and monitor your third-party risk with Astrus

The risk environment is constantly changing. Are you monitoring your third-parties closely enough?

Automated Monitoring is a key part of the Astrus third-party risk management. Using a technology-based approach to continuously monitor and analyze tens of thousands of global public records and sources, Astrus Automated Monitoring helps organizations keep track of any changes in their business partners’ risk profiles.

Combined with Astrus’ Integrity Due Diligence solution, Astrus Automated Monitoring provides a cost-effective solution to help organizations manage their third-party risk and compliance obligations.

As part of its Automated Monitoring solution, Astrus monitors more than 160 primary sources of legal entity data across more than 45 countries to provide timely alerts of ‘risk critical’ events. 

To help ensure that only the most material and risk-sensitive events are reported, all alerts are also reviewed by KPMG analysts with deep experience in risk monitoring. 

The tool also features functionality to support additional applications for assessing various types of third-party risk such as supplier risk assessments, agent and customer risk assessments, ethical compliance programs, transaction due diligence, employment screening, emerging market risk and sanctions.

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