Digital disruption and rising customer expectations are creating unforgiving markets where loyalty is hard won and easily lost. If you can’t deliver what your customers want, when and where they want it, they will go to someone who can. But there is no point in creating a breakthrough customer experience if the new business model runs at a loss. KPMG teams offer a suite of services that can help you achieve profitable, sustainable growth through customer-centric thinking. This is all about getting close to your customers and staying there.

How we help:

  • Customer Experience
  • Customer Loyalty and Rewards
  • Customer Strategy
  • Customer Insights and Analytics
  • Marketing, Sales and Service Transformation

The future of the front office

Make stronger connections with your customers in every interaction.

For many companies, meeting the expectations of today’s “connected” customer have become increasingly challenging, especially as COVID-19 has accelerated digitalization and led many to rapidly adopt new channels. Thanks to new technologies, customers expect personalized, real-time engagements.

Companies are expected to interact with customers on multiple levels and meet them where they are, with what they want, how they want it. This is crucial for businesses looking to survive today and thrive tomorrow.

These demands pile pressure on the front office, the traditional interface between customer and company, and the home of marketing, sales and service. To respond, radical new thinking in how your front office functions and operates is required to help you acquire, engage and retain your customers for the future.

The front office needs to become a dynamic, direct and on-demand customer-servicing unit. It must connect with cross-enterprise functions such as IT, HR, Finance, Supply Chain and Procurement to provide optimal benefit and the best end-to-end experience with your brand. To do this, it requires new processes, policies, capabilities and skills to address what we see as the six must-haves: data, analytics, automation, organizational structure, metrics and culture.

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