Astrus Enhanced Due Diligence
Astrus Enhanced Due Diligence
Understand your current due diligence and compliance risks with Astrus; just one part of a broad-ranging third-party risk management program.
Understand your current due diligence and compliance risks with Astrus
In today’s business environment, trust is everything. Do you know enough about your third-parties, customers and business partners to trust them with your business’ reputation?
Astrus Enhanced Due Diligence reporting allows organizations to build trust and confidence in their business relationships. Based on detailed analysis of tens of thousands of public sources, Astrus Enhanced Due Diligence reporting provides organizations with insight on the risk profile of their business partners, delivered using clear risk indicators based on each organization’s unique risk tolerance.
When combined with Astrus Monitoring, Astrus Enhanced Due Diligence reporting can provide clients with historic and current information on third parties, providing a cost effective solution to help organizations manage their third-party risk and compliance obligations.
How Astrus has helped
A KPMG member firm assisted a global energy company with pre- and post-acquisition due diligence of a Spain-based company. The findings included the prosecution of a shareholder for previous money-laundering issues as well as links to state ownership in Iran through related parties.
For a global pharmaceutical firm assessing its joint partners, a member firm identified the ultimate beneficial ownership of a vaccine-manufacturing facility in China. Identified recent shareholding granted to an official at the state ministry charged with granting vaccine licensing and safety certifications.
For a global energy firm considering the acquisition of a series of hydroelectric facilities in Brazil, we conducted reviews of the corporate structures of 14 entities were conducted, identifying allegations of corruption and payments to high-ranking officials in states of Brazil in the construction of the facilities.
On behalf of a US-based alternative energy company with an operation in China, a member firm supported an internal investigation of an opaque one million dollar payment to an unknown third party was supported. Their work identified a set of ghost companies whose ultimate beneficial owner/controlling party was identified as a private investor in the China operation whose public announcements of investment had helped to raise the OTC stock prices.
On behalf of a US private equity fund investing in the global alternative energy space, a member firm conducted integrity due diligence of a prospective management team in Brazil with connections to the Enron events. Their work assessed the integrity, business style and cultural fit of the management team for the client.
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