
Our focus areas

Every day, over 145,000 professionals collaborate across KPMG’s global network in 152 countries worldwide to create tailored and holistic services.

Intelligent automation

Every day, over 145,000 professionals collaborate across KPMG’s global network in 152 countries worldwide to create tailored and holistic services.

Our Defense practitioners work hand-in-hand across KPMG’s global network to create tailored and holistic services to suit the unique needs of Defense clients in key areas.

Equipment Acquisition and Procurement:

KPMG firms work with procurement leaders to navigate through the often inevitable trade-offs between budget, schedule and the final capability being delivered.

Information Technology:

KPMG’s Defense professionals have the relevant experience and insight to turn diverse IT strategies into value enablers.

Supply Chain/Logistics:

KPMG professionals understand the balance between efficiency and effectiveness in defense and work closely with clients to deliver robust, yet cost-effective logistics systems and processes.

Human Resources/Recruiting/Training:

KPMG’s Defense specialists combine deep insight in shared service and capability development to create solutions that can streamline and improve HR functions, efficient organizational structures and effective management of the human dimension of change.

People and Change:

KPMG firms provide change management support, organizational design for performance, and human resource optimization services. These services support change initiatives and help gain maximum benefit from the conscious design and implementation of organizational structure, processes and capabilities to help achieve and sustain strategy and vision.

Property/Estate Management:

Whether dealing with residential-style accommodation or complex specialist maintenance and equipment support facilities, KPMG professionals can help clients manage intricate and diverse property and estate requirements.

Finance and Budget:

KPMG professionals can help clients ensure finance and budget requirements are aligned and met, and also help them manage complex project budget and finance management challenges associated with major infrastructure and equipment acquisition projects.

Intelligence and Security:

Defense professionals at KPMG help clients to perform highly specialized functions and liaise with multiple government agencies and departments.

Medical and Health Services:

From the operation of frontline medical and health facilities and major hospitals to rehabilitation and veterans services, KPMG’s defense network helps clients to deliver and develop these specialist capabilities by leveraging an array of diverse operating models.

Our Insights

Human & Social Services

Find out how KPMG Global Human & Social Services professionals help governments deliver more efficient and effective human and social services.


KPMG member firms have the deep expertise and global reach to assist governments with their most critical defense challenges.

Client Challenges

KPMG’s Global Defense sector brings together subject matter experts, functional specialists and defense leaders to create solution.

Our People

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KPMG combines our multi-disciplinary approach with deep, practical industry knowledge to help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities. Connect with our team to start the conversation.

Two colleagues having a chat