To understand whether the accounting standard is working as intended, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is undertaking a post-implementation reviewopens in a new tab (PIR) of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers.
What is the IASB seeking feedback on?
The IASB asks:
- whether IFRS 15 is meeting its objective;
- for feedback on the understandability and accessibility of IFRS 15;
- about the ongoing costs and benefits of applying the standard; and
- about the importance of retaining convergence between IFRS 15 and Topic 606 Revenue from Contracts with Customers under US GAAP.
What are its specific areas of interest?
The IASB is seeking specific feedback on the following areas.
Area | IASB’s focus |
Identifying performance obligations in a contract | Fact patterns in which the requirements:
Determining the timing of revenue recognition | Fact patterns in which the requirements are unclear or applied inconsistently. |
Determining whether a company is acting as principal or agent | |
Accounting for licensing arrangements | |
Determining the transaction price | Fact patterns in which the requirements are unclear or applied inconsistently to the following:
Disclosure requirements | Whether:
Applying IFRS 15 with other IFRS® Accounting Standards | In particular, IFRS 15's application alongside:
Transition requirements | Whether:
Have your say
Take this opportunity to share your feedback with the IASB on its focus areas and any other concerns you may have by 27 October 2023.
* Read our comment letter (PDF 260 KB) to learn more about the KPMG position.
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