(This article was published on 22 November 2022 and updated on 31 August 2023)
Helena Watson
What are the requirements?
The standards include a narrow-scope exemption from providing commercially sensitive information about sustainability-related opportunities, even if the information is material. There is no similar exemption relating to sustainability-related risks.
The exemption is available only when:
- the company has a competitive advantage because the information is not publicly available – e.g. via investor presentations or marketing materials; and
- it would be impossible to disclose the information without seriously prejudicing the economic benefits a company could otherwise realise from an opportunity.
When companies are considering taking the exemption, they need to determine if they could resolve the issue by disclosing it in a different way – e.g. providing less granular information.
If this cannot be achieved, then a company can exclude a specific piece of information provided that it:
- discloses that it has taken the exemption for that piece of information; and
- reassesses at each reporting date whether the exemption remains appropriate.
What’s the impact?
This exemption protects companies’ commercially sensitive information about sustainability-related opportunities. At the same time, it provides investors with information about opportunities to understand how they impact the company’s prospects.
Companies will need to set up a process to assess what information meets the exemption criteria and to consider whether they can otherwise disclose the content at an aggregated level.
The exemption relates to opportunities only – no exemption is allowed for information about sustainability-related risks. Companies will need to structure disclosures carefully, for example where:
- this creates a disconnect between information on sustainability-related risks and any related opportunities; or
- information on a specific risk is required in sustainability-related financial information but not in the financial statements.
Actions for management
- Read our guide to familiarise yourself with the requirements for disclosing information about opportunities.
- Consider the process needed on an ongoing basis to identify, review and assess pieces of information that are commercially sensitive and relate to opportunities.
- Identify instances where commercially-sensitive opportunities are connected to relevant risks. Consider how to disclose information about these risks.
1 IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures (together 'the standards').
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