 GMS Flash Alert 2024-034

MT – New Pathway: Specialist Employee Initiative

GMS Flash Alert 2024-034 | February 2, 2024

For third-country nationals applying for a work permit in Malta, the Specialist Employee Initiative, ‘SEI’, has been introduced alongside the Ordinary Single Work Permit and the Key Employee Initiative (KEI).1  The Maltese government entity responsible for handling the applications, Identità, has created these categories to cater for the different levels of specialisation and of remuneration thereon, in an aim to expedite the processes for the two latter categories of applicants.


The Maltese government is aiming to provide employers and work permit applicants with greater efficiency and certainty when future planning and to expand the opportunities for entry and work in Malta.  The changes are expected to help Malta attract and retain the skilled workers it needs amidst ongoing skills shortages and an increasingly competitive marketplace.

More Details

To be eligible to apply under the SEI, the employee must earn a minimum annual gross salary of €25,000 and have relevant academic and practical qualifications at a minimum:

Malta Qualification Frame (MQF) Level 6 or higher in an area directly related to the employment position being offered in Malta; OR

Qualifications - academic, vocational, or other certified skill qualifications, which equate to an MQF level lower than MQF Level 6, but which are directly related to the position being offered by the Maltese employer.


Proof of Experience - Reference letters of past employment showing a minimum 36 months of relevant work experience.

The following table contains reference to the key differences between the different routes including the processing timeframes:


Normal single
permit application          

Specialist Employee
Initiative (SEI)                          
Key Employee Initiative
Validity of permit             1-2 years1-3 years1-3 years
Application timeframe6-8 weeks

15 working days

5 working days
Eligibility criteria –
evidencing …
At least the local
minimum wage of
€10,021 per annum
At least €25,000 gross
annual salary and
qualifications + relevant
job experience (36 months)
At least €35,000 gross
salary per annum and
qualifications OR
relevant job experience
(36 months)
Fee€300 (per year)€300 (per year)
€300 (per year)

: KPMG in Malta


While the expected timeframes are promising, we expect an initial period of adjustment. 

In addition to the expedited processing timeframe, the potential for a lengthened validity period is also of note both for employees and employers as it would serve to dramatically reduce costs and uncertainty around the regular renewal process. 

The existing entry framework for attracting foreign skilled workers to Malta has been limiting for employers and workers.  The changes announced regarding the SEI are expected to provide both employers and individuals aiming to come to Malta to work with greater flexibility, opportunity, efficiency, and certainty.

If employers and migrating workers require clarity around eligibility and procedures, they should reach out to their global mobility professional or a member of the GMS team in Malta (see the Contacts section).


Simon Xuereb


KPMG in Malta

Kathy Schembri Rivera

Semior Manager

KPMG in Malta

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1  For more information, see the Identità website: .

* Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.

The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Malta.


The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Germany.

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