
Ireland – Christmas Travel Initiative: Facilitating Travel over the Holidays

GMS Flash Alert 2023-241/

Fa Immigration Page

Ireland’s Immigration Service Delivery (ISD) has issued a Travel Confirmation Notice1 to facilitate travel over the holiday period for non-European Economic Area nationals (non-EEA) legally residing in Ireland.2  

From 6 December 2023 to 31 January 2024 (inclusive), non-EEA nationals living in Ireland with an Irish Residence Permit (IRP) that has recently expired and, who have renewed their IRP but not received it, may use their expired IRP to re-enter Ireland, subject to the issued guidelines.


Due to high processing times for IRP renewals, affected non-EEA nationals may not receive their IRP in time for any intended travel over the holiday period.  (For related coverage, see GMS Flash Alert 2023-190, 11 October 2023.)

This notice is for legally resident non-EEA nationals who have renewed their IRP prior to its expiry date only.  Individuals who did not apply to renew their IRP prior to its expiry will not be covered.

Further Details

  • In addition to their usual travel documentation, non-EEA nationals should carry with them: their expired IRP, a printed copy of the Travel Confirmation Notice, and proof of the renewal of their IRP (which clearly demonstrates the renewal prior to the expiry of the IRP).
  • ISD advises travellers to contact their airline in advance of travel and while ISD liaises with airlines and foreign missions on these initiatives, they cannot be compelled to adhere to them.
  • Non-EEA Irish residents seeking to return to Ireland after 31 January 2024, will need a valid IRP card or entry visa, as appropriate.


Individuals and their employers should be aware of these changes as they may affect employees seeking to travel over the holiday period.  ISD has issued a set of FAQs which will assist in answering most queries.3

If employers or individuals have questions regarding their intended travel with respect to their Irish immigration documentation, they should consult with their qualified immigration counsel, or they can contact a member of the Immigration and Employment Law team with KPMG Law LLP in Ireland (see the Contacts section).

1  See Department of Justice, Immigration Service Delivery, “Travel Notice -- For persons who intend travelling out of the State with an expired Irish Residence Permit (IRP) card.”

2  See Department of Justice, Immigration Service Delivery, "Immigration Service Delivery (ISD) announces initiative to facilitate customers travelling at Christmas."

3  See Department of Justice, Immigration Service Delivery, “Travel Confirmation Notice 2023 -- 06 December 2023 to 31 January 2024: FAQ’s.”  

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Aoife Newton


KPMG in Ireland

Elaine Norton

Associate Director, KPMG Law & Corporate Immigration and Employment Law

KPMG in Ireland

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