With the ongoing work visa challenges facing South African companies to bring in skilled workers and the ailing economy, the Trusted Employer Scheme (TES) is a welcomed initiative. The South African government can equally gain through large investments in capital, but also attract skilled workers who could help drive the economic growth of the country and alleviate the high unemployment rate through job creation. The challenge will be to address efficiencies around processes required for those businesses which will not qualify for the TES.
The proposed selection criteria of the TES has not yet been finalised by the Department of Home Affairs, as consulting with the various business stakeholders on the implementation of the scheme is still at the infancy phase.
It is also important to note that the TES will not be a replacement of the South African Immigration Act and Regulations. Employers will have to make sure they follow the Immigration Act and Regulations when employing any foreign nationals in South Africa.
Given this potential for a new path for entry into South Africa for work purposes, and the change in procedures and policies for certain skilled employees and their employers seeking applicable work visas, mobile employees and/or their employers that require clarification and guidance should contact their qualified immigration adviser or a member of the KPMG Immigration team with KPMG in South Africa (see the Contacts section).