
Ireland - COVID-19: Lifting of Remaining Entry Requirements

GMS Flash Alert 2022-049/

Fa Immigration Page

The Irish government has announced that from Sunday, 6 March 2022, individuals travelling to Ireland are no longer required to complete a Passenger Locator Form, provide proof of vaccination, or proof of recovery from COVID-19 or a negative PCR test.  Additionally, there is no post-arrival testing or requirement to quarantine.1   Individuals that develop COVID-19 symptoms while in Ireland should follow the Ireland Health Service Executive’s (HSE) guidance regarding isolation and testing.2


Employers should note that employees travelling into Ireland are no longer required to complete any pre-arrival paperwork or provide details on pre-departure testing, vaccination, or recovery from COVID-19, as appropriate. 

Individuals and their employers should take a note of these changes as they could ease the administrative burden for travellers into Ireland and facilitate smoother entry into the country. 

Lifting of COVID-19 Entry Requirements

Individuals travelling into Ireland are no longer required (i) to complete a Passenger Locator Form, (ii) provide proof of vaccination, or proof of recovery from COVID-19 or negative PCR test, or (iii) complete possible post-arrival testing and quarantine.  Travel carriers should be aware of these new updates.

Travelling to Northern Ireland

Passengers who intend to travel on to Northern Ireland from the Republic of Ireland should be aware of any requirements that remain in place for travel to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Travelling Overseas from Ireland

Passengers travelling overseas from Ireland should be aware of any pre-entry/post-entry COVID-19-related requirements that remain in place both within European Union and non-European Union countries.


Travellers to Ireland should continue to check pre-departure information as the situation remains subject to change.

For advice on this changing situation, please contact your usual qualified immigration counsel or a member of the Corporate Immigration and Employment Law Team with KPMG in Ireland (see the Contact Us section below).

1  See “See Department of the Taoiseach;  Department of Health, "Current rules for travelling to Ireland."

2  See HSE, "COVID-19 (coronavirus)."

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Aoife Newton


KPMG in Ireland

Elaine Norton

Associate Director, KPMG Law & Corporate Immigration and Employment Law

KPMG in Ireland

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