
Net Zero Readiness Report

Examining steps taken by 24 countries as well as key economic sectors to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.


KPMG published the Net Zero Readiness Index in 2021,1 a few weeks before the COP26 UN climate change conference in Glasgow. The event resulted in 153 countries putting forward new emissions targets for 2030 and more than 90 percent of world economic output and global emissions being covered by net zero agreements. Attempts to phase out the use of coal, the single biggest contributor to climate change, failed with weaker language to ‘phase down’ its use in the final agreement. COP26’s chairman Alok Sharma said that the conference had kept alive the hope of keeping global temperature increases within 1.5 degrees Celsius this century but added “its pulse is weak.”

The last two years have seen many countries taking steps in the right direction towards net zero, even if most have a long way to go. Some have announced significant new policies to support decarbonization, including the REPowerEU in Europe. Emissions trading schemes are expanding in several countries and the EU is phasing in its Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, an idea that other countries look likely to adopt. The bloc is also introducing regulations to block the import of products linked to deforestation, showing how some jurisdictions plan to go further faster to meet net zero pledges.

Next year will see companies in many countries starting to report on their climate change risks and plans.

Renewable energy production continues to expand rapidly around the world, investment is rising fast and there are indications that it is becoming harder to raise funding for some fossil fuel projects. Renewable production and the reshaped electricity grids it requires will inevitably impact on some local environments, their biodiversity and communities. We are going to see more conflicts between the local and the global, but if we want to reach net zero while keeping the lights on, we have to build new power infrastructure somewhere.

These issues are among those discussed in this Net Zero Readiness Report. It explores the readiness of 24 countries based on interviews with local KPMG specialists. This report also examines global trends in sectors that are key to tackling climate change: the economy, electricity, transport, manufacturing, buildings, infrastructure, oil and gas, agriculture and the blue economy.

Across these countries and sectors we can see plenty of examples of progress on decarbonization including growth in electric vehicle sales, although from a low level in most countries. On behalf of all the KPMG specialists involved, we hope this report can contribute to helping organizations quicken their pace on the long walk towards net zero.

Net Zero Readiness Report 2023

Net Zero Readiness Report 2023

The Net Zero Readiness Report (NZRR) examines steps taken by 24 countries as well as key economic sectors to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

Country profiles

Explore the country profiles from the Net Zero Readiness Report using the interactive map below. Click on each country to learn about their preparedness and ability to achieve net zero emissions of these gases by 2050.


Across these countries and sectors we can see plenty of example of progress on decarbonization including growth in electric vehicle sales, although from a low level in most countries. But our response to climate change needs to involve transformative change rather than incremental measures. On behalf of all the KPMG specialists involved, I hope this report can contribute to helping countries and organizations quicken their pace on the long walk towards net zero.

Mike Hayes

Climate Change and Decarbonization Leader, Global Head of Renewable Energy

KPMG International

Several of the world’s biggest greenhouse gas producers have recently launched major initiatives aimed at cutting emissions, and accelerating the transition to a low carbon economy. While these are positive developments, all countries and all sectors will need to accelerate their decarbonization efforts to minimize the impact of climate change and keep the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels alive.

John McCalla-Leacy

Climate Change and Decarbonization Leader, Global Head of Renewable Energy

KPMG International

John McCalla-Leacy headshot

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Mike Hayes
Mike Hayes

Climate Change and Decarbonization Leader, Global Head of Renewable Energy


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