
Douglas Zuvich

Global Practice Leader, Trade and Customs, KPMG International, Latin America Regional Managing Partner, Tax & Legal, KPMG Americas*, and Partner, KPMG in the US

KPMG International

Doug is a Senior Partner, Latin America Regional Managing Partner, Tax & Legal, KPMG Americas*, and Global Practice Leader for KPMG’s Trade and Customs Services. He has more than 20 years of experience in Global Trade industry assisting a broad range of clients in developing corporate global trade governance programs and securing duty reduction and cost savings. Doug leads the firm’s initiative in deploying technology and supporting business processes in a transformational way for global clients.

* All professional services are provided by the registered and licensed KPMG member firms of KPMG International. KPMG U.S. does not provide legal services, and these services are provided only by KPMG member firms in Latin America that are permitted to do so by law.

  1. Areas of expertise
    • Cross-border trade compliance
    • Customs, Trade and Excise Duties
    •  Indirect Tax
    •  Operating Effectiveness
    •  Tax
    •  Tax strategies