Zohra has 10 years experience in commerce and 9 years experience in tax of which 7 years is in the tax division at KPMG. Zohra was admitted as a partner in 2010. She was appointed head of the Global Mobility Services department, at KPMG Cape Town, in April 2008. The department has a large client base to which it provides employees’ tax and expatriate compliance and consulting services. Her experience includes employees’ tax due diligence reviews, effective risk management of an employer’s tax withholding and reporting obligations, assistance with employees’ tax audits, expatriate tax compliance services, advising on employee share based incentive schemes; shadow payroll services. Prior to joining KPMG Zohra gained experience in commerce, which included setting up a tax function at a large company, heading a divisional financial function, serving as a Pension Fund trustee and as a Pension Fund principal officer.