Martin is a transformational change and business architect with 15 years of experience across the wealth, life & pensions and investment management industry. His experience includes overall platform design & governance, (re)platforming supplier selection RFI/P, regulatory change and TOM.
His platforms supplier experience covers FNZ, GBST, Bravura and IFDS.
Martin has advised a wide variety of firms, in particular:
- UK Life Co / Large UK Platform – post-integration merger design lead, covering market proposition, business process and operations, core systems architecture, legal entity and & people/culture;
- Major UK Insurance & Investments Group – platforms market lead and SME for a major replatforming programme covering wrap platform & life co BPO and systems replacement;
- Global Investment Manager – D2C supplier selection and operating model design lead;
- UK Mutual Insurer – design lead for £10 million Pensions Freedom programme;
- Major UK Life Company – Corporate Wrap platform operating state review lead;
- UK Insurance Group with a mid-sized wrap platform – led supplier strategy and selection exercise considering migration traditional life business to a new wrap platform;
- UK based Life insurance group – design lead on multimillion Corporate Wrap proposition launch.
Martin also led the development of a business and operating model blueprint, covering retail and corporate business lines, in response to the Retail Distribution Review.