Martin Rumsey

Martin Rumsey

Director, Asset Management Consulting

KPMG in the UK

Martin is a transformational change and business architect with 15 years of experience across the wealth, life & pensions and investment management industry. His experience includes overall platform design & governance, (re)platforming supplier selection RFI/P, regulatory change and TOM.

His platforms supplier experience covers FNZ, GBST, Bravura and IFDS.

Martin has advised a wide variety of firms, in particular:

  • UK Life Co / Large UK Platform – post-integration merger design lead, covering market proposition, business process and operations, core systems architecture, legal entity and & people/culture;
  • Major UK Insurance & Investments Group – platforms market lead and SME for a major replatforming programme covering wrap platform & life co BPO and systems replacement;
  • Global Investment Manager – D2C supplier selection and operating model design lead; 
  • UK Mutual Insurer – design lead for £10 million Pensions Freedom programme; 
  • Major UK Life Company – Corporate Wrap platform operating state review lead;
  • UK Insurance Group with a mid-sized wrap platform – led supplier strategy and selection exercise considering migration traditional life business to a new wrap platform;
  • UK based Life insurance group – design lead on multimillion Corporate Wrap proposition launch.

Martin also led the development of a business and operating model blueprint, covering retail and corporate business lines, in response to the Retail Distribution Review.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    Modern Languages, University of Oxford
  2. Accreditations
    Prince II, Practitioner, Financial Planning Certificate