Christoph reitze

Christoph Reitze

Senior Manager, KPMG ECB Office

KPMG in Germany

Christoph is a Senior Manager in the KPMG ECB Office, primarily working on topics linked to the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP). In this role, he supports our clients and KPMG network by providing insights into the ECB’s views and expectations. Prior to joining KPMG Germany he worked in various positions as a banking supervisor for the Austrian National Bank. After working on model supervision, policy making and on-site supervision for larger internationally active institutions, he worked as a a local Joint Supervisory Team (JST) coordinator for several Significant Institutions since the establishment of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) in 2014. In these functions Christoph gathered broad practical experience in numerous micro-prudential topics, including crisis management.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    Dipl.-Kfm. (J.W.Goethe University, Frankfurt)